

 唐悅良 游美同學錄
维基百科 参阅维基百科中的:唐元湛

唐元湛 字露園。年五十七歲。生於廣東香山。已婚。子二。女一。初學於本鄕學校。及上海出洋局。同治十一年。以官費遊美。光緖七年。回國。歷任中國電報局職事。洊升至該局總辦。民國二年退職。又歷充中國政府駐滬代表。管理派送學生出洋。及上海中國稅關各事。前淸授職候補道。經丹麥瑞典挪威各國政府。給予寳星。爲美國大學會。中國商會會員。廣東會舘董事。黃浦水利局評議員。哈佛醫學校。同濟德文醫學校。紅十字會病院。同仁醫院。山東路醫院。廣東醫院。尚賢堂。寰球中國學生會。復旦公學。啓秀女學校等處。職員董事。現時通信處。上海北河南路三號。

Tong, Yuen-Cham.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung, 1860. Married, 1887. Studied at Tong-Kar village schools and Chinese Educa-tional Mission School at Shanghai. Arrived in America, September, 1872. Government support. Recalled to China, fall, 1881. Was Telegraph Operator, Clerk-in-Chief, Superintendent, Chief Superintendent, General Manager, Assistant Director-General and finally Director-General, Chinese Telegraph Administration, 1881-1913. Was Chinese Government Represen-tative at Shanghai, Supervisor of government students going abroad, Superintendent of Chinese Customs at Shanghai and Expectant Taotaio of the late Tsing Dynasty. Decorated by Their Majesties, the King of Denmark, the King of Sweden, and the King of Norway. Member and officer: American University Club; Chinese Chamber of Commerce; Canton Guild; Consultative Board of the Whangpoo Conservancy; Committee of Harvard and German Medical School; Red Cross Hospital; St. Luke's Hospital; Shantung Road Hospital; Canton Hospital; International Institute; World's Chinese Students' Federation; Fu Tan College; Chi-Sue Girls' School; etc.