
 唐寳桐 游美同學錄
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唐紹儀 字少川。年五十七歲。生於廣東香山。已婚。以官費遊美。入哥侖比亞大學。光緖七年。回國。光緖八年。任朝鮮海關帮辦。光緖十二年。任駐朝鮮領事。光緖二十六年。任津海關道。光緖三十年。充赴西藏特使。光緖三十一年。署外務部右侍郞。光緖三十二年。任滬寗及京漢鐵路督辦。稅務處總辦。及郵傳部左侍郞。光緖三十三年。任奉天巡撫。光緖三十四年。充特派赴美國欽差大臣。宣統三年。署郵傳部尚書。又充全權代表。與民軍首領議和。民國元年。任內閣總理。民國二年以還。任上海金星保險公司總經理。

Tang, Shao-Yi.-Born in Canton, 1860. Married, 1812. Studied at Columbia University. Returned to China, August, 1881. Assistant, Korean Maritime Customs, 1882. Consul in Korea, 1886. Customs Taotai, Tientsin, 1900. Special Commissioner to Tibet, 1901. Acting Junior Vice-President, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1905. Director-General of Shanghai-Nanking and Peking-Hankow Railways; Comptroller-General of the Revenue Council; Senior Vice-President of Ministry of Communications; 1906. Governor of Fengtien, 1907. Special Envoy to America, 1908. Acting President, Ministry of Communications, 1911. Delegate to the Peace Conference at Shanghai, 1911. Premier of the First Republican Cabinet, 1912. Managing Director, the Venus Assurance Co., Shanghai, 1913 to date.