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曾廣勷 字治一。年三十一歲。生於廣東。已婚。遊美。入本薛文尼大學。習鐵路會計及財政。宣統三年。得學士及碩士學位。回國。民國元年。任國務院秘書。及交通部總稽査。民國二年。任交通部技正。民國三年。任鐵路材料科科長。現時住址。北京西長安街交通部迤西。
Tsang. K. S.-Born in Kwangtung, 1886. Married, 1916. Studied Railway Economics and Finance at the University of Pennsylvania. B.S. and M.A., 1911. Secretary, Office of the Cabinet, 1912. Inspector-General, Ministry of Communications, 1912; Technical Expert, 1913; and Chief of Railway Materials Division, 1916.