
 朱庭祺 游美同學錄

朱祖鋐 字宛靑。年三十五歲。生於江蘇蘇州。已婚。子一。初學於蘇州東吳大學。及北洋大學。光緖三十二年。以官費遊美。入本薛文尼大學。習財政商業。宣統元年。得學士學位。是年回國。歷任天津直隸銀行辦事員。農商部主事。直隸學務公所實業科副科長。江海關四等帮辦。兩淮鹽務稽核分所經理。鹽務署辦事員。現任財政部僉事。給予六等嘉禾章。家中住址。上海城內南張家街四十七號。

Chu, Tsu-Hung.-Born in Soochow, 1882. Married, 1906. Stud-ied at Soochow University, Soochow, 1898-1902; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1902-6. Arrived in America, June, 1906. Government support. Studied Finance and Commerce at the University of Pennsylvania, 1906-9. B.S., 1909. Returned to China, July, 1909. Member, Chihli Bank, Tien-tsin, 1910. Was Junior Clerk of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce and Member of Salt Administration. At present, Senior Clerk, Ministry of Finance. Sixth Class Chia Ho Decoration.