溫應星 ◄ | 游美同學錄 裘昌運 |
► 詹天佑 |
裘昌運 字昌運。年二十八歲。生於江蘇無錫。父葆良。本籍住址。江蘇無錫縣城內沙巷。已婚。初畢業於蘇州東吳大學。得學士學位。宣統元年。以官費游美。入威立斯登學校。宣統二年。入威斯康心大學。習農業。宣統三年。入卜渡大學。民國二年。得學士學位。入哥侖比亞大學。習商業。爲中部留美學生分會會長。留美學生會會長。民國三年囘國。任全國煤油礦督辦處事。民國五年。任工商委員會書記。又任參議院英文秘書。現時通信處。北京東城大土地廟二十四號。
Chiu, Chang-Yueng.-Born in Wusih, Kiangsu, 1899. Studied at Soochow University, 1902-9. A.B., 1909. Arrived in America, September, 1909. Government support. Prepared for college at Williston Seminary, 1909-10. Studied Agriculture at the University of Wisconsin, 1909-10 and Purdue University, 1911-13: Commerce at Columbia University, 1913-14. B.S., 1913. Chairman, Chinese Students' Conference, Mid-West Section, 1911-12. President, Chinese Students' Alliance, 1912-13. Returned to China, August, 1914. Member, National Oil Administration, 1914-16. Secretary, Industrial and Commercial Commission, 1916. English Secretary, The Senate, 1916 to date.