
Page:新青年 第1卷第2號.djvu/34


Samuel F. Smith,美國詩人也。生於一八〇八年,卒於一八九五年。 'tis of thee = ii is of thee that I sing. Sweet land與My country同格。下文二land亦然。 the ptlgrims此指美國之始祖清教徒(Puritans),以爭宗教自由之故,於一六二〇年乘Mayflower船,由英國移住美國Massachusetts。今日之美國人,大半為此 Pilgrim fathers之子孫。 From-ring = Let freedom's song ring from every mountain side。 the noble free = the noble free people。 rills = small streams。 tompled hill,如寺院聳立空際之山丘。 My heart-above = My heart overflows with rapture like that which comes from thinking of things above。 And ring-song = And let sweet freedom's song ring from all the trees。 mortal tengues awake,諸人相和而歌之義。 that breathe,有呼吸者之義。 partake,參與之義。 Author of liberty = 自由之創造者即God也。聖書中多稱God為King者。