⑴ Garner's "Introduction to Political Science." Ch.X, P.311. ⑵ 見日本法學博士小野塚喜平次《政治學大綱》國家之目的節 ⑶ Burgess, “Political Science and Constitutional Law.” Vol.I, P.83. ⑷ 見日本法學博士浮田和民《政治原論》國家之目的章 ⑸ Humboldt, ⑹ Holtzendorff, ⑺ der nationale Machtzweck, der Freilheits-oder Rechtszweck, der Gesellschaftliche Culturzweck. ⑻ J.K.Bluntschli, “Allgemeine Staatslehre,” Bk.V, Ch.4. ⑼ 同前⑶ VoL I, P.85. ⑽ 同前⑴ Ch.X, P.316. ⑾同前⑵ ⑿ 參觀浮田和民《政治原論》國家之目的章第二節 ⒀ 見 Holtzendorff, “Principien der Politik,” ⒁ 參觀英譯伯倫智理之“The Theory of the Stale,”中 Limitations of State action 節 ⒂見《管子·心術上》 ⒃ 章太炎先生《國故論衡•辨性下》 ⒄ Bornhak, “Allgemeine Staatslehre,” ⒅ 同前⑷ ⒆ 同前⑷ ⒇同前⑴ Ch.X, P,312.原文曰“It considers the stale to be simply an institution, an agency or instrumentality by means of which the collective ends of society may be realized, instead of itself being the end.”