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Part II.

天文 Astronomy 1
Sun 2
Moon 3
星宿 Stars 4
Wind 5
霍風標記 Force of the Wind 6
雲霧虹露 Cloud, &c 7
雷電 Lightning, &c 7
雨晴 Rain, &c 8
霜雪 Snow, ice, &c 8
地理 Geography 9
Mountains, Hills, &c 12
Streams, Rivers, &c 13
Seas, &c 13
大洋 Oceans 14
各洲 Continents 14
天下各國地名,居民,京都各郡 Principal names, people, and Capitals of different Countries in the World 15
亞西亞洲各大各大埠頭 Principal ports in Asia 22
中華十九省首府名 The Capitals of the Nineteen Provinces in China 25
十九省別名 Literary designation of the 19 Provinces in China 26
滿洲各部 Divisions, &c, of Manchuria 27
蒙古各部 Divisions, &c, of Mongolia 27
外甘肅伊犁各部 Divisions, &c, of outer Kunsuh and Ili 23
外國各埠 Principal ports in Foreign Countries 20
東印度洋面各埠 Ports near the East Indian Ocean 31
美利濱各小埠 Principal towns in Melbourne 32
美洲北邊各埠 Principal ports of North America 32
美洲中部 Principal ports of Central America 34
歐洲各大埠 Principal ports in Europe 34
國份 Countries, &c 35
城邑 Towns, Cities, &c 30
府州縣 Counties, Districts, &c 36
道路 Roads, &c 37
港埠 Colonies, &c 38
宮室衙署 Buildings, &c 38
屋宇 Houses, Rooms, &c 40
舖戶 Shops, &c 41