页面:NLC416-01jh000829-10326 小呂宋華僑中西學校三十周年紀念刊.pdf/13


Camilo osias President, National university Member, Philippine senate This is an age of peace and internationalism. The proverbial devotion of the Chinese and Filipions to the ideals of peace is well known. It is essential that there be better understanding and closer friendly relations between the Chinese and the Filipinos. Education is the greatest single agency for the promotion of peace and understanding among individuals and nations. True culture knows no territorial or racial boundary. Ganuine enlightenment is synonymous with breadth of mind and liberality of heart. Chinese and Philippine schools must be instruments in the advancement of ideas of friendship and ideals of peace. If to geographical proximity and racial ties we could add identity of aspirations and mutuality of ideals thru the instrumentality of education, the enduring friendly relations between the Chinese and the Filipinos is definitely assured. We are doing what we can in the National University to cultivate ideals of internationalism along with the principles of democracy and nationalism but Chinese and Philippine educational institutions more consciously than heretofore must do more.