页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/210


Unification of Railway Accounts and Statistics, Technical Expert, and Co-Director of the Bureau of Railway Accounts. Ministry of Communications, 1913-16. Senior Clerk, and Director of the Bureau of Post Accounts, Ministry of Com-munications, 1916 to date. Fifth Class Chia Ho Decoration. Director, Peking Orphanage.

劉瑞恒 字月如。年二十八歲。生於直隸天津。父桐軒。已婚。本籍住址。天津日界天安里一號。初學於天津新學書院。及北洋大學。光緖三十二年。以官費遊美。入哈佛學校。習化學。宣統元年。得學士學位。入哈佛醫學校。民國四年。得醫學士學位。被選入某名譽學會。在波士頓醫院。充任醫員。民國四年。回國。任上海哈佛醫學校外科醫術敎員。民國五年。任上海紅十字會醫院醫生。現時通信處。上海霞飛路二百九十一號。

Liu, Jui-Heng.-Born in Tientsin, 1889. Married, 1915. Studied at Anglo-Chinese College, Tientsin, 1901-3; at Peiyang University, Tientsin, 1903-6. Arrived in America, June, 1906. Government support. Studied Chemistry at Harvard College, 1906-9; Medicine at Harvard Medical School, 1909-13. B.S., 1909; M.D., 1915. Elected to Alpha Omega Alpha, October, 1912. Surgical Interne and House Surgeon, Boston City Hospital, 1913-15. Returned to China, June, 1915. Instructor in Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Shanghai, 1915-16. Surgeon, Red Cross General Hospital, Shanghai, 1916 to date.

劉經庶 字伯明。年三十歲。生於南京。已婚。子一。初畢業於南京匯文大學。得學士學位。任日本東京中國靑年會書記。宣統三年。自費遊美。入芝加哥及西北大學。習哲學及敎育。民國二年。得碩士學位。民國四年。著老子之哲學一書。得博士學位。爲世界會副會長。以哲學得學金奬。民國四年。回國。任南京滙文大學哲學敎員。民國五年。任南京高等師範學校敎員。現時通信處。南京大石橋。

Liu, K. S.-Born in Nanking, 1887. Married, 1915. Studied at the University of Nanking, 1898-1909. B.A., 1909. Secretary, Chinese Y.M.C.A., Tokyo, 1909-11. Arrived in America. October, 1911. Private