页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/53


Prize, 1904. Returned to China, 1904. Member: Ministry of Industry, 1905-7; Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, 1907. LL.B., University of London, England, 1911. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1911. Holder of Inns of Court Studentship and University of London Scholarship, 1911. Commissioner of Foreign Affairs for Hupeh, 1912. Member: House of Representatives, 1913-14; Conference of Constitution, 1913-14. Councillor: Cheng Shih Tang, 1914-16; Kuo Wu Yuen and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1916 to date. Secretary, Chinese Social and Political Science Association, 1915. Author: "Plea for the Recognition of the Chinese Republic," China Press, Shanghai; "What are We in Tibet?," Commercial Press, Shanghai, 1912. Second Class Chia Ho Decoration.

伍鏡湖 字澄波。年三十二歲。生於廣東新寗。父義學。業醫。家中住址。香港文咸街九十號。已婚。女一。光緖二十四年。自費遊美。入撒冷學校。及哈門山學校。宣統元年。入倫斯來實業學校。習土木工程。民國二年。得學士學位。回國。民國三年。任唐山工業專門學校敎員。今仍續任。通信處。直隸唐山工業專門學校。

Ng, Chee-Wu.-Born in Sunning, Kwangtung, 1885. Married, 1913. Arrived in America, December, 1898. Private support. Prepared for college at Salem Public School, 1899-1906; at Mt. Herman School, 1907-9. Studied Civil Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1909-13. C.E., 1913 Returned to China, October, 1913. Teacher, Tangshan Railway and En-gineering College, 1914 to date.

任傳榜 字筱珊。年三十七歲。生於江蘇吳江縣。本籍住址。江蘇吳江縣同里鎭范家埭。已婚。子二女一。初學於日本東京高等商業學校。光緖三十二年。以官費遊美。入伊里諾愛大學。習鐵路管理法。宣統三年。得學士學位。宣統三年回國。民國元年。充關外都督藍天蔚將軍外交顧問。民國二年。充交通部鐵路會計統一委員會會員。民國三年。任交通部技正。民國五年。任交通部秘書。繼任京綏鐵路管理局副局長。民國六年升任局長。現時住址。北京舊簾子胡同四十一號。

Yin, C.P.-Born in Wookiang, Kiangsu, 1880. Studied at Com-mercial School, Tokio, 1906. Arrived in America, March, 1906. Govern-