
User talk:Nissimnanach

Zhxy 519在话题“My Reply”中的最新留言:12年前

My Reply


As you said, you are using Google to translate it. It can't be read by Chinese readers at all. And I don't think there will be user to help with it, at least recently. Even yourself don't seem to understand Chinese language. In my opinion, doing something out of your ability will leave trouble for the others. I suggest you to contribute in your ability and make sure they will be accepted. --Zhxy 519 2011年10月19日 (三) 15:03 (UTC)回复

Please Stop removing Ask For Delete templates & follow Wikimedia's rules: Once your contribution is asked for delete, you should take part in the discussion without removing it, it's the only polite way to work in Wikimedia. --Zhxy 519 2011年10月19日 (三) 15:10 (UTC)回复

So If you can show the improvement at time, they won't be deleted. But please keep the templates, as a reminder.--Zhxy 519 2011年10月19日 (三) 15:32 (UTC)回复

One Month had past since I put the request, but you didn’t show any clear improvement for them. I’m sorry but they will be deleted.--Zhxy 519 2011年11月24日 (四) 15:05 (UTC)回复