


This page provides a historical record of Special:GadgetUsage through its page history. To get the data in CSV format, see wikitext. To customize this message or add categories, create /top. 以下是缓存的数据,最后更新于2025-02-16T11:36:36Z。缓存中最多有5000条结果。

小工具 用户人数 活跃用户
Blackskin 31 1
Cat-a-lot 116 17
CommentsinLocalTime 56 10
DisambiguationLinks 82 12
Edittools-delh 69 11
Edittools-refToolbar 默认 默认
Edittools-vector 85 13
Edittools-vote 74 9
Edittools-vplus 81 12
ExternalSearch 5 1
HideEditSpecialChars 23 5
HideWarnings 25 4
HotCat 236 23
MarkRights 63 5
NavFrame 25 3
Navigation popups 138 7
NotifCountTitle 34 1
OldDiff 26 0
OnlineAdmins 85 7
PageNumbers 默认 默认
PageNumbers-core 1 0
ProofreadHelper 93 15
ProveIt 95 8
RTRC 46 3
RemoveCustomSigns 24 1
RenommageCategorie 92 10
UTCLiveClock 109 4
WE-framework WS 40 4
WikidataDesc 63 7
Wordcount 11 5
XTools-ArticleInfo 59 7
blinktalk 46 1
confirm-logout 7 3
contribsrange 70 4
edit0 119 10
era note 78 8
hantsect 64 3
markblocked 7 4
modernskin-thunks 75 4
moveEditsectionBack 39 2
popupUserLanguage 55 2
removeAccessKeys 38 0
restore 77 5
space removal 19 2
specialchars 107 8
wikEd 123 4