

 马国骥 游美同学录

马名海 字仙峤。年二十八岁。生于直隶濮阳。父鹤岭。初学于濮阳学堂。大名府中学堂。毕业于直隶高等学堂。宣统二年。以官费游美。入威斯康心学校。宣统三年。入威斯康心大学。习物理及数学。民国四年。得学士学位。入哥仑比亚大学。习数学及教育。民国五年。得硕士学位。为孔教会及万国会书记。威斯康心中国学生会会计。美国教育会会员。发明图角三分器。在纽约某高等学校。充任几何学教员。民国五年。回国。为科学社社员。通信处。直隶濮阳县高等小学校转交。

Ma, Minghai.-Born in Pu-Yang, Chihli, 1889. Studied at Pu Yang School, 1902-4: at Ta Ming Middle School, Ta Ming, 1904-8: at Chihli Provincial College, Paoting, 1908-10. Graduated, 1910. Arrived in America, August, 1910. Government support. Prepared for college at Wiscousin Academy, 1910-11. Studied Mathematics and Physics at the University of Wisconsin, 1911-15; Education and Mathematics at Columbia University, 1915-16. B.A., 1915; M.A., 1916. Secretary, Confucian Society, 1914-16. Corresponding Secretary, International Club, 1914-15. Treasurer, Wisconsin Chinese Students' Club, 1913. Member, National Educational Association (U.S.A.), 1916. Invented Angle Trisecter and Angle Divider. Instructor in Geometry, Stuyvessant High School, New York City, October to December, 1915. Returned to China, 1916. Member, Science Society.