


方瑞达 语录摘编 (中文/英语)


方瑞达 经典语录 摘编。:世界没有超人,世界只有辛勤耕耘永不息足的耕夫。天才是从愚笨开始的。 == www.360doc.comopenlibrary.org/wo.

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大号文字 ==根据部分中外网站和相关参考书籍编辑 方瑞达认为,学无止境,学海无涯,学习不仅充实自己,更重要的是应用于社会和实践,否则,就是空中楼阁,海市蜃楼。他也反对那种天才之类的神话,摒弃那种“造物主”,“救世主”,“创世主”,“上帝之子"的喧嚣,始终认为,任何人并非圣贤圣人,都是普普通通的人,没有三头六臂,充其量只不过仅仅是多比别人多看了一会儿书而已,没有什么大惊小怪的地方。“世界没有超人,世界只有辛勤耕耘永不息足的耕夫。”事实上,不论科学家也好,还是作家,艺术家都是凡人俗子,而不是什么奇才天才之类的语言。尽管有不少人这样那样,但是,他始终如一,不被他人所动。他的名言:“天才是从愚笨开始的。 “ 世界没有超人,世界只有辛勤耕耘永不息足的耕夫。”

Investor compilation of classic party rhetoric

Preaching the truth and often intertwined, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish. Unfortunately, it is very human reason gone, strange yin and yang of human wisdom wrong, and makes us farther and farther from the truth, falsehood and absurdity closer and closer

Difficult for anyone to predict the history and future, especially nature and human society from time to time without refreshing change from time to time when confused and changing. However, the ground state of human society and the natural universe, after all the different modes, the former need is reason and wisdom, which you need to ground and modal nature

Promote the history and not just move history.

When they were all drunk, I was alone awake; when people are awake, since I alone drunk. On the difficult route of the natural sciences, natural scientists should be discerning, mountains split road, picking the most beautiful bouquet in the bush and grass, even if it is just Hanbaoyufang Bud, just angry thrive, it will inevitably open the beauty and fragrance.

When they were all drunk, I was alone awake; when people are awake, since I alone drunk. On the difficult route of the natural sciences, natural scientists should be discerning, mountains split road, picking the most beautiful bouquet in the bush and grass, even if it is just Hanbaoyufang Bud, just angry thrive, it will inevitably open the beauty and fragrance.

The pace of time does not stand still, however, the time for space, it sometimes but it will stagnate, while it will continue to include space for about expansion and contraction. People often talk about the latitude aspect, everyone knows, in between the pure nature does not understand the meaning of the interva

Natural universe is composed by the colorful and plain, human society especially bland, although human society are often wonderful colorful or miracles, but he is, after all, still in the fantasy and wander in. Unthinkable, the future world and the universe who are most likely to flourish, it is between the two can be used interchangeably.

In front of the history is always negative, the world will always be in front of the reciprocal, in front of the universe is always a positive number

All day sun rises from the east and from the west in the evening sunset. Like human society and life, sunrise, sunset. Tens of thousands of years in hundreds of years again and again, as if never indulge in endless .repetition single. In fact, a lot of people but it is nothing narcissistic, they did not realize that the natural universe changes have things changed every day, but his own, and the whole social environment which has also been tremendous change in the day. Sunrise and sunset, but only slowly repeat silently update the various rays shine. We live in the earth, the sun, the Milky Way has changed position and movement occur, although they in the vast universe.

Quietly sleep in the snow-capped mountains, quietly sleep in green grass ¨ Yan, quietly sleep in flowers and leaves, quietly sleep in the vast land, quietly looking up at the blue ocean. . . . . . Life is too short, life is so Fen color, natural gift of your life, you will never sleep in the embrace of nature, sleep in the endless sea of the universe.

Quietly sleep in the snow-capped mountains, quietly sleep in green grass ¨ Yan, quietly sleep in flowers and leaves, quietly sleep in the vast land, quietly looking up at the blue ocean. . . . . . Life is too short, life is so Fen color, natural gift of your life, you will never sleep in the embrace of nature, sleep in the endless sea of the universe ==

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