
 吳祖耀 游美同學錄
維基百科 參閱維基百科中的:吳乃琛

吳乃琛 字賮忱。生於浙江杭州。已婚。初學於杭州求是書院。畢業於上海南洋公學。光緖三十二年遊美。入加利佛尼大學。習商科。宣統元年。得學士學位。入威斯康心大學。習經濟政治學。宣統二年。得碩士學位。回國。歷任交通部法律編纂員。幣制改良會委員。中國銀行副總裁。財政部泉幣司司長。兼財政討論會會員。授進士及翰林院編修。給予二等嘉禾章。爲歐美同學會。及中英友誼會會員。著有貨幣及統計等書。尚未出版。現時住址。北京石板房二條二號。

Woo, Nae-Tsung.-Born in Hangchow, Chekiang. Married. Stud-ied at Chiu Shih College, Hangchow and Nanyang College, Shanghai. Arrived in America, 1906. Studied Commerce at the University of California; Economics and Political Science at the University of Wisconsin. B.S., California, 1909; M.A., Wisconsin, 1910. Returned to China, June, 1910. Law Compiler of the Ministry of Communications; Member of Commission on Monetary Reform; Vice-President of the Bank of China; Councillor of Ministry of Finance; etc., 1910-17. Member, Hanlin Academy. Second Class Chia Ho Decoration. Member, European-American Returned Students' Club and Anglo-Chinese Friendship Bureau. Author, "Money" and "Statistics" (in preparation).