
 嚴觀韶 游美同學錄
維基百科 參閱維基百科中的:嚴鶴齡

嚴鶴齡 字履勤。年三十八歲。生於浙江餘姚。已婚。子三。女一。初畢業於上海聖約翰大學。得學士學位。以演說得金牌奬。任聖約翰大學及復旦公學敎員。爲約翰聲編輯。光緖三十四年。以官費遊美。入哥侖比亞大學。習政治學。宣統元年。得碩士學位。宣統三年。著中國憲政沿革考一書。得博士學位。是年回國。供職交通部。民國元年。任浙江外交司長。民國二年。任外交部秘書。民國五年。任國務院諮議。給予三等嘉禾章。爲中國社會政治學雜誌總經理。現時住址。北京東安門北河沿五十八號。

Yen, Hawkling L.-Born in Yu-Yao, Chekiang, 1879. Married, 1901. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1896-1903. Graduated with diploma, 1903; A.B., 1907. Awarded Alumni Medal for best Chinese oration, 1902. Instructor, St. John's University, 1903-6. Teacher, Fu Tan College, Woosung, 1907-8. Editor, St. John's Echo, 1901-3. Arrived in America, October, 1908. Government support. Studied Political Science at Columbia University, 1909-11. A.M., 1909; Ph. D., 1911. Subject of doctor's dissertation:-"A Survey of Constitutional Development in China". Returned to China, August, 1911. Member, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peking, 1911-12. Commissioner of Foreign Affairs, Chekiang, 1912-13. Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peking, 1913-16. Third Class Chia Ho Decoration. Member, Office of the Cabinet, 1916 to date. Managing Editor, The Chinese Social and Political Science Review, 1916 to date.