

 曹冕 游美同學錄
維基百科 參閱維基百科中的:曹雲祥

曹雲祥 字慶五。年三十六歲。生於江蘇南翔。兄錫庚。已婚。永久通信處。上海四川路靑年會轉。初畢業於上海聖約翰大學。任聖約翰大學助敎。及常州寗波中學堂敎務長。爲上海南方報編輯。光緖三十三年。以官費遊美。入耶路大學。習普通文科。宣統三年。得學士學位。被選入耶路辯論會。屢次演說競賽。得第一名奬。爲耶路辯論團團員。耶路世界會會長。中國學生會會長。本級辯論隊員。留美學生月報編輯及總編輯。民國三年。任駐英使館二等秘書。爲中國會會員。著科學的商業管理法一書。現時通信處。英京中國使舘。

Tsao Yun-Siang.-Born in Nanziang, Kiangsu, 1881. Married. 1914. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1892-1900. Graduated, 1900. Assistant Instructor, St. John's University, 1900-3. Dean: Fu-Yang Middle School, Changchow, 1904-5; Ih-Cu Middle School, Ningpo, 1905-7. Editor, Nan-Fang-Pao, Shanghai, 1906. Arrived in America, September, 1907. Government support. Studied Liberal Arts at Yale University, 1907-11. A.B., 1911. Elected to Yale Debating Association, 1909-11. Awarded first prize for best oration in the Sophomore Lincoln Oratorical Contest, Fe-bruary, 1909; in the Junior Exhibition Oratorical Contest, 1910; in the De Forest Oratorical Contest, 1911. Member and one time Chairman, Yale Deba-ting Union. Chairman; Yale Cosmopolitan Club, 1909-11; Chinese Students Club, 1910-11. Member, Class Debating Team, 1910. Editor, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1909-10 and Editor-in-Chief, 1911-12. Second Secretary, Chinese Legation, London, England, 1914 to date. Member, China Society, 1916. Author, "The Scientific Organization of Business Management," 1916.