

 沈祖榮 游美同學錄

沈寳善 字楚紉。年三十三歲。生於上海。弟寳勳。幼讀。已婚。初畢業上海聖約翰書院。得學士學位。嘗以繙譯得奬。宣統二年。任杭州交涉司文案及伍廷芳博士書記。民國元年。任上海交涉司文案。爲約翰聲編輯。民國二年。任駐美遊學監督處文案。至美。入華盛頓大學。習國際法及外交。民國四年。得碩士學位。爲國際法學會會員。平和促進會會員。民國五年。任駐美使館主事。是年八月回國。爲政治學會會員。及二十世紀會會員。住址及通信處。上海南市萬裕街四十號。

Shen, Pao-Shen. (T. C. Shen).-Born in Shanghai, 1884. Mar-ried. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1904-9. B.A., 1909. Awarded a medal for best translation, 1908. Secretary, Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Hang-chow and Secretary to Dr. Wu Ting-Fang, 1910. Secretary, Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Shanghai, 1912. Editor, St. John's Echo. Arrived in America, April, 1913. Secretary, Chinese Educational Mission, Washington, D. C., 1913-16. Studied International Law and Diplomacy at George Washington University, 1913-16. A.M., 1915. Member: International Law Society, 1914-16; League to Enforce Peace, 1916. Member, Chinese Legation at Washington, D. C., 1916. Returned to China, August, 1916. Member, Chinese Political and Social Science Association and 20th Century Club, 1916.