
 濮登靑 游美同學錄

薛永黍 年二十七歲。生於福建金門。兄永石永岱。業商。未婚。初學於菲律賓。及福州英華書院。宣統二年。自費遊美。入提頓學校。及威斯林學校。宣統三年。入米西根大學。習敎育。民國四年。得學士學位。爲世界會書記。中國學生會書記。留美學生月報編輯。民國五年。囘國。任廈門尋源書院敎員。現時通信處。福建廈門尋源書院。

Sy, Eng-Su.-Born in Kimmoy, Fukien, 1890. Studied at private schools at Kimmoy, 1899-1903; at Cebu Chinese School, Cebu, P. I., 1903-6; at Anglo-Chinese College, Foochow, 1906-10. Arrived in America, February, 1910. Private support. Prepared for college at Tilton Seminary, 1910; at Wesleyan Academy, 1910-11. Studied Education at the University of Michigan, 1911-15. B.A., 1915. Secretary, Cosmopolitan Club and Chinese Students' Club, 1915. Associate Editor, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1915. Returned to China, December, 1916. Teacher, Talmage College, Amoy, 1916 to date.