







創建用於顯示圖表的<graph> JSON 對象。在文章命名空間中,應改用模板Template:Graph:Chart。有關用例,請參閱其頁面。

  • width: 圖表的寬度
  • height: 圖表的高度
  • type: 圖表類型:line用於折線圖, area用於面積圖, 和rect用於(圓柱) 餅圖, 和 pie用於條形圖。 多個系列可以堆疊使用stacked前綴,例如stackedarea
  • interpolate: 插值折線圖和面積圖的方法。建議使用monotone單調三次插值 –進一步支持的值列在github.com/vega/vega/wiki/Marks
  • colors: color palette of the chart as a comma-separated list of colors. The color values must be given either as #rgb/#rrggbb/#aarrggbb or by a CSS color name. For #aarrggbb the aa component denotes the alpha channel, i.e. FF=100% opacity, 80=50% opacity/transparency, etc. (The default color palette is category10).
  • xAxisTitle and yAxisTitle: captions of the x and y axes
  • xAxisMin, xAxisMax, yAxisMin, and yAxisMax: minimum and maximum values of the x and y axes (not yet supported for bar charts)
  • xAxisFormat and yAxisFormat: changes the formatting of the axis labels. Supported values are listed at https://github.com/d3/d3-3.x-api-reference/blob/master/Formatting.md#numbers for numbers and https://github.com/d3/d3-3.x-api-reference/blob/master/Time-Formatting.md for date/time. For example, the format % can be used to output percentages.
  • xAxisAngle: rotates the x axis labels by the specified angle. Recommended values are: -45, +45, -90, +90
  • xType and yType: Data types of the values, e.g. integer for integers, number for real numbers, date for dates (e.g. YYYY/MM/DD), and string for ordinal values.
  • x: the x-values as a comma-separated list
  • y or y1, y2, …: the y-values for one or several data series, respectively. For pie charts y2 denotes the radiuses of the corresponding sectors.
  • legend: show legend (only works in case of multiple data series)
  • y1Title, y2Title, …: defines the label of the respective data series in the legend
  • linewidth: line width for line charts or distance between the pie segments for pie charts
  • showValues: Additionally, output the y values as text. (Currently, only (non-stacked) bar and pie charts are supported.) The output can be configured used the following parameters provided as name1:value1, name2:value2:
  • showSymbols: For line charts: show a symbol (circle) at each data point.
  • innerRadius: For pie charts: defines the inner radius to create a doughnut chart.
  • formatjson: format JSON object for better legibility

Template wrappers

The functions mapWrapper and chartWrapper are wrappers to pass all parameters of the calling template to the respective map and chart functions.

Note: In the editor preview the graph extension creates a canvas element with vector graphics. However, when saving the page a PNG raster graphics is generated instead. {{#invoke:Graph:Chart








Note: The y-axis starts from the smallest y value, though this can be overridden with the yAxisMin parameter.




Note: The y-axis starts from zero
















{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=100|xAxisTitle=X|yAxisTitle=Y|legend=图例|type=stackedarea|x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8|y1=10,12,6,14,2,10,7,9|y2=2,4,6,8,13,11,9,2|interpolate=monotone|colors=seagreen, orchid}}



{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=100|xAxisTitle=X|yAxisTitle=Y|legend=图例|type=stackedrect|x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8|y1=10,12,6,14,2,10,7,9|y2=2,4,6,8,13,11,9,2|y1Title=Data A|y2Title=Data B|colors=seagreen, orchid}}














By using a line plot with linewidth=0, it is possible to create a scatter plot:

{{Graph:Chart|width=500|height=200|type=line|x=15.7,10.8,68.5,33.4,23.8,42.2,27.1,38.2,13.5,74.3|y1=1517,970,4075,3819,2106,2919,2428,2164,1393,7603|showSymbols=1|linewidth=0|yGrid= |xGrid= }}



  • When xAxisFormat or yAxisFormat is set to %, a percentage sign will be added to the scale of the corresponding axis.
  • A value of 1 equals 100%. A decimal point should be added in front of percentages between 0 and 100, for instance .25 for 25%.
  • Including the code | yAxisMin=0 | yAxisMax=1 will force the y axis scale to run from 0% to 100%.
| width = 450
| height = 350
| x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
| yAxisMin = 0
| yAxisMax = 1
| yAxisFormat = %
| showSymbols = 
| y1 = , , , .43, , , , .39, .43, .38, .38, .40, .48, .54 , .42, .47, .45, .48, .44, .41, .41, .45, .46
| y2 = .40, .377, .38, , .39, .38, .419, .55, .60, .63
| y3 = .27, .311, .31, , .26, .28, .285
| y4 = {{repeat|7|, }} .40, .44, .42, .47, .44, .43, .42



| width = 450
| height = 350
| x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
| yAxisFormat = %
| showSymbols = 
| y1 = 2, .43, 1.20, .39, .43, .0, -.38, -.20, .18, .54 , 0





 | width=400
 | height=150
 | xAxisTitle=X
 | yAxisTitle=Y
 | legend=图例
 | y1Title=蓝色
 | y2Title=橘色
 | type=line
 | x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
 | y1=10,12,6,14,2,10,7,9
 | y2=2,4,6,8,13,11,9,2



 | width=400
 | height=150
 | xAxisTitle=X
 | yAxisTitle=Y
 | legend=
 | y1Title=蓝色
 | y2Title=橘色
 | type=line
 | x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
 | y1=10,12,6,14,2,10,7,9
 | y2=2,4,6,8,13,11,9,2


長圖例看起來比較笨拙。最好將圖例隱藏,並使用 {{Legend}}(或類似的圖例模板)代替:

 | width=400
 | height=150
 | xAxisTitle=X
 | yAxisTitle=Y
 | colors=darkred, gold
 | type=line
 | x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
 | y1=10,12,6,14,2,10,7,9
 | y2=2,4,6,8,13,11,9,2
{{legend|darkred|This is a long legend entry and wouldn't look so good if it was part of the graph itself.}}
{{legend|gold|This is another fairly long entry.}}


  This is a long legend entry and wouldn't look so good if it was part of the graph itself.
  This is another fairly long entry.

This method also allows the use of wiki formatting and the insertion of links. Graphs using the default colors need to specify the hex values in the legend templates:

Alternatively, CSS color names (or hex values) can be specified in the graph and the legend templates.








