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{{Indent pars| 那一天我二十一岁,在我一生的黄金时代,我有好多奢望。我想爱,想吃,还想在一瞬间变成天上半明半暗的云,后来我才知道,生活就是个缓慢受锤的过程,人一天天老下去,奢望也一天天消逝,最后变得像挨了锤的牛一样。可是我过二十一岁生日时没有预见到这一点。我觉得自己会永远生猛下去,什么也锤不了我。 }} |
那一天我二十一歲,在我一生的黃金時代,我有好多奢望。我想愛,想吃,還想在一瞬間變成天上半明半暗的雲,後來我才知道,生活就是個緩慢受錘的過程,人一天天老下去,奢望也一天天消逝,最後變得像挨了錘的牛一樣。可是我過二十一歲生日時沒有預見到這一點。我覺得自己會永遠生猛下去,什麼也錘不了我。 |
{{Indent pars| 演讲结束时间还早,我去公园。拎了瓶冻得结实的冰水,像平常那样找个僻静处,木凳上一躺,满天浓荫,虫鸟声无已。 长空正滚滚过云,左边不远处是湖,风从湖上来,带着暗绿色的潮气,摇得树如痴如醉。更远处可见青山,两叠,浅蓝青蓝,好看得像个重影,当下此刻,避人默坐,以处忧患。 湖在脚下,乳白色清凉的雾里全是青草的味儿。没有人,听很久,茂密的草丛深处才听到水声。水无所起止,只知流淌,但总得流淌。山高月小,它要滴落,乱石穿空,它要拍岸,遇上高山峡谷,自成江河湖海。此刻这水正在平原之上,促急的劲儿全消,自顾自地缓下来,一个温柔的转弯推动另一个温柔的转弯,无穷无尽,连石头都被打磨得全是圆润结实,就这么不知所终,顺流而去。 }} |
演講結束時間還早,我去公園。拎了瓶凍得結實的冰水,像平常那樣找個僻靜處,木凳上一躺,滿天濃蔭,蟲鳥聲無已。 長空正滾滾過雲,左邊不遠處是湖,風從湖上來,帶着暗綠色的潮氣,搖得樹如痴如醉。更遠處可見青山,兩疊,淺藍青藍,好看得像個重影,當下此刻,避人默坐,以處憂患。 湖在腳下,乳白色清涼的霧裡全是青草的味兒。沒有人,聽很久,茂密的草叢深處才聽到水聲。水無所起止,只知流淌,但總得流淌。山高月小,它要滴落,亂石穿空,它要拍岸,遇上高山峽谷,自成江河湖海。此刻這水正在平原之上,促急的勁兒全消,自顧自地緩下來,一個溫柔的轉彎推動另一個溫柔的轉彎,無窮無盡,連石頭都被打磨得全是圓潤結實,就這麼不知所終,順流而去。 |
{{Indent pars|indent=0.5in |Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside, the sable cloud beneath was dished out, and the car seemed to float in the middle of an immense dark sphere, whose upper half was strewn with silver. Looking down into the dark gulf below, I could see a ruddy light streaming through a rift in the clouds. It was probably a last glimpse of London, or some neighbouring town; but soon the rolling vapours closed, and shut it out. }} |
Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside, the sable cloud beneath was dished out, and the car seemed to float in the middle of an immense dark sphere, whose upper half was strewn with silver. Looking down into the dark gulf below, I could see a ruddy light streaming through a rift in the clouds. It was probably a last glimpse of London, or some neighbouring town; but soon the rolling vapours closed, and shut it out.
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