< 游美同學錄
朱公釗 ◄ | 游美同學錄 朱籙 |
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朱籙 字覺卿。年二十九歲。生於江蘇無錫。本籍住址。江蘇無錫縣石塘灣。未婚。初學於蘇州東吳大學。宣統二年。以官費遊美。入威斯康心大學。民國二年。得學士學位。入哥侖比亞大學。習數學。民國四年。得碩士學位。爲威斯康心及哥侖比亞數學會會員。曾在美國數學會。演講不盡級數。民國五年。回國。現任南京第一農業學校敎員。
Chu, Loh.-Born in Wusih, Kiangsu, 1888. Studied at Soochow University, Soochow, 1908-10. Arrived in America, September, 1910. Government support. Studied Liberal Arts at the University of Wisconsin, 1910-13; Mathematics at Columbia University, 1913-16. B.A., 1913; M.A., 1915. Member: Wisconsin Mathematics Club, 1912-13; Columbia Mathema-tics Club, 1915-16. Spoke on "Infinite Series" before the American Mathema-tics Society, 1914. Returned to China, June, 1916. Instructor, First Agricultural College, Nanking, 1916 to date.