
页面:通商須知 LY6AAAAMAAJ.pdf/26


years of the present Dynasty and extending to the year 2000 A. D. vide page 702 || 123

地支考 The twelve terrestrial branches 126
天干相合考 The ten Heavenly stems 127
天干五行考 Comparative table of the corresponding powers and functions of nature according to the Chinese system of Philosophy 128
方向 Four points 129
行店家等用傢俬 Chattels, Tools, Articles, &c., for Household use 130
文書數部格式字畵各名 Names of documents, books, forms, pictures, &c 134
中國書籍 Chinese books, &c 139
英國幼學通用各書 English books of lessons 142
筆墨 Pens and ink 143
唐番紙信封等物 Papers, envelopes, &c. 144
化學煉用藥名 Chemical terms 146
照像器具藥料名目 Photographic terms 167
數學及天文家要語(附勾股名) Mathematical and astronomical terms 174
農器 Agricultural implements 185
木匠各工器 Carpenter's tools and Mechanical implements 186
各種工作 Workship 187
各工匠機器車房車路要語 Terms used in Mechanics 187
格致各器 Chemical apparatus 198
化學製用名器 Terms used in Natural Philosophy 199
船政局內各工匠并船上要語 Nautical and Mechanical terms used at Foochow Arsenal 209
舖中櫃面器具 Shop furniture 233
家中器具 House-hold furniture 235
㕑中什物 Culinary furniture 238
衣服 Dress 239
首飾 Ornaments 242
飲食散語 Eating and drinking 243
食物 Food 244
肉食 Meats 248
中國海味 Chinese marine delicacy 249
外國罐頭洋貨伙食 Foreign Sundry stores 250
各色自製不壞餅乾 List of [1]Patent food 256
  1. A writing secure to a person for a term of Years 掛號後有專權可獨自賣若干年