
Page:新青年 第1卷第1號.djvu/43








Thoughts on 'Women.

By Max O'Reil

1. Woman is an angel who may become a de- e sister of mercy who may change into viper, ladybird who may be transformed into

Sometimes she never changes, and all her lifi- time angel, sister of mercy, ladybird. and sweet fragrant flower. It depends a great deal on the gardener.

2. The Lord took from man a with which he made a woman. As soan this process was finished, woman back to man, and took the rest of him, which she has kept ever since.

3. Women were not born to but they have enough inborn power to govern man who commands, and, as a ride, the best and happiest marriages are those where women have most authority, and her advice is oftenest followed.

4. A man may be as perfect us you like, he will never be but a rough diamond until he has been cut and polished by the delicate hand of a woman.

Max O'Rell(1848—1903)法蘭西人也。本名Paul Bloueto授法蘭西語於倫敦St. Paul's School。納英女為室。善為諷刺文。論評著作。 言英倫風土者為多。所著『英人及其鄉土』。(英名JohnBullandHisIsland. 法名JohnBull et Son Ile.)最知名。其書頗嘲英人。而英人無不樂觀之。晚年居巴黎。任New York Jouanal.之通信員。