
Page:新青年 第1卷第1號.djvu/44








5. There are three kinds of men: those who will come across temptations and resist them, them for fear of succumbing, and those who seek them. among the are to be found only men whose for a woman is the first consideration of their lives.

6. Men who always praise women do not know them ; men who always speok ill of them do not know them at all.

7. Men study women, and form opinions, generally wrong ones, womon look at men, guess their character, and seldom make mistakes.

8. It is a great misfortune not, to be loved by the one you low; but it is a still greater one to be loved by the one whom you ceased to love.

9. I am not prepared to say that celibacy is to marriage; it has, however, this decided advantage over it: a bachelor always cease to be one the moment he has discovered that he has made a mistake.

10. A woman knows that a man who in love with her long before he does. A women's intuition is keener then her sight; in fact, it is a sixth sense given to her y nature, and which is more powerful them the other five put together.

上帝取Adam.之肋骨造Eve.事見舊約創世記。俗傳女子肋骨廿五。 較男子多一條云。as a rule=susally. wrong ones=wrong opinions. celibacy is preferable(寧取)to marriage. 與其結婚寧取獨身之義。over it 之it。 乃marriage 之代名詞。before he does.=before he knows. nature=天然