Decision | Date Adopted | Summary | Note |
关于军官制度改革期间暂时调整适用相关法律规定的决定 (NPC Observer translation) |
2016/12/25 | suspending certain provisions of the Officers in Active Service Law and the Regulations on the Military Ranks of PLA Officers while the Central Military Commission conducts pilot reform of the military officer system | to de facto expire once the two statutes are amended to codify the reform |
关于国务院机构改革涉及法律规定的行政机关职责调整问题的决定 | 2018/4/27 | ensuring continuity in the functioning of agencies affected by the 2018 State Council reorganization when the relevant statutes are yet to be amended | to de facto expire once the relevant statutes are all amended to reflect the change in the makeup of agencies and their functions |
关于授权国务院在营商环境创新试点城市暂时调整适用《中华人民共和国计量法》有关规定的决定 (NPC translation) |
2021/10/23 (renewed 2024/11/8) | authorizing the State Council to modify two provisions of the Metrology Law in six cities | to expire on October 23, 2027 |
关于深化国防动员体制改革期间暂时调整适用相关法律规定的决定 (NPC translation; NPC Observer translation) |
2021/10/23 | suspending certain provisions of the National Defense Mobilization Law, Civil Air Defense Law, National Defense Transportation Law, and National Defense Education Law while the Central Military Commission conducts pilot reform of the national defense mobilization system | to de facto expire once the four statutes are amended to codify the reform |
关于授权国务院在部分地区开展房地产税改革试点工作的决定 (Bill page) |
2021/10/23 | authorizing the State Council to pilot a real estate tax (or property tax) in certain regions | to expire five years after the State Council issues pilot rules |
关于授权国务院在粤港澳大湾区内地九市开展香港法律执业者和澳门执业律师取得内地执业资质和从事律师职业试点工作的决定 (NPC Observer translation; Our coverage) |
2020/8/11 (renewed 2023/9/1) | authorizing the State Council to conduct a pilot program that would allow lawyers licensed in Hong Kong or Macao to practice mainland law after passing a special bar exam | to expire on October 5, 2026 |
关于授权国务院提前下达部分新增地方政府债务限额的决定 | 2023/10/24 | authorizing the State Council to allow local governments to issue bonds within 60% of their annual new bond quotas before the NPC approves that year’s debt ceilings | to expire on January 1, 2028 |
关于授权国务院在海南自由贸易港暂时调整适用《中华人民共和国食品安全法》有关规定的决定 | 2024/6/28 | authorizing the State Council to modify two provisions of the Food Safety Law relating to administrative approvals in the Hainan Free Trade Port | to expire on October 1, 2029 |