[編輯]Decision | Date Adopted | P.O.? | Summary | Note |
關於中華人民共和國建國以來制定的法律、法令效力問題的決議 (PKU Law translation) |
1979/11/29 | N/A | confirming the validity of laws and ordinances enacted since the founding of the P.R.C., unless inconsistent with the Constitution, laws, and ordinances enacted by the 5th NPC or its Standing Committee (1978–1983) | qualifying only as an 「ordinance」 under the 1978 Constitution |
關於加強法律解釋工作的決議 (PKU Law translation) |
1981/6/10 | N/A | specifying various governmental bodies』 roles in interpreting national and local legislation | qualifying only as an 「ordinance」 under the 1978 Constitution; partially superseded by the Legislation Law |
關於授權廣東省、福建省人民代表大會及其常務委員會制定所屬經濟特區的各項單行經濟法規的決議 (PKU Law translation) |
1981/11/26 | N/A | authorizing the Guangdong and Fujian provincial legislatures to enact separate economic regulations for their special economic zones | qualifying only as an 「ordinance」 under the 1978 Constitution |
關於開展全民義務植樹運動的決議 | 1981/12/13 | N/A | launching a nationwide tree-planting campaign in which every able-bodied citizen over eleven should plant 3 to 5 trees per year or volunteer equivalent services | |
關於批准長江南通港、張家港對外國籍船舶開放的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1982/11/19 | N/A | opening the Nantong and Zhangjiagang ports on the Yangtze River to foreign vessels | qualifying only as an 「ordinance」 under the 1978 Constitution |
關於縣級以下人民代表大會代表直接選舉的若干規定 (NPC translation) |
1983/3/5 | prescribing rules for the direct elections of delegates to the people’s congresses at or below the county level | not promulgated by the President, but officially categorized as a statute | |
關於國家安全機關行使公安機關的偵查、拘留、預審和執行逮捕的職權的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1983/9/2 | authorizing state security organs to exercise the police’s criminal justice functions | ||
關於在沿海港口城市設立海事法院的決定 (NPC translation) |
1984/11/14 | Y | authorizing the Supreme People’s Court to establish maritime courts in coastal cities | |
關於授權國務院在經濟體制改革和對外開放方面可以制定暫行的規定或者條例的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1985/4/10 | authorizing the State Council to enact interim regulations relating to economic reforms and opening up | ||
關於批准長江南京港對外國籍船舶開放的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1986/1/20 | opening the Nanjing port on the Yangtze River to foreign vessels and authorizing the State Council to open other ports on the Yangtze River that are downstream of the Nanjing Port to foreign vessels | ||
關於對中華人民共和國締結或者參加的國際條約所規定的罪行行使刑事管轄權的決定 (NPC translation) |
1987/6/23 | allowing China to exercise criminal jurisdiction consistent with the international treaties it has joined, notwithstanding contrary provisions of domestic criminal law | not promulgated by the President, but officially categorized as a statute | |
關於批准法制工作委員會關於對1978年底以前頒布的法律進行清理情況和意見報告的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1987/11/24 | approving a report by the NPCSC Legislative Affairs Commission concluding that 159 laws enacted by end of 1978 had in fact expired | ||
關於建立海南經濟特區的決議 (PKU Law translation) |
1988/4/13 | establishing the Hainan Special Economic Zone and authorizing the Hainan provincial legislature to enact special economic zone regulations | ||
關於設立香港特別行政區的決定 (NPC translation via HKSAR Gov’t) |
1990/4/4 | establishing the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region | ||
關於《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法》的決定 (NPC translation via HKSAR Gov’t) |
1990/4/4 | affirming the constitutionality of the Hong Kong Basic Law | ||
關於《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法》英文本的決定 (NPC translation via HKSAR Gov’t) |
1990/6/28 | approving an official English translation of the Hong Kong Basic Law and providing that the Chinese version prevails over the English one in the event of any conflict | ||
關於懲治走私、製作、販賣、傳播淫穢物品的犯罪分子的決定 (PKU Law translation (v. 1990)) |
1990/12/28 (amended 2009/8/27) | Y | prescribing criminal and administrative penalties for the offenses of smuggling, manufacturing, selling, and distributing obscene articles | criminal provisions have been superseded by the 1997 Criminal Law |
關於嚴禁賣淫嫖娼的決定 | 1991/9/4 (amended 2009/8/27; art. 4, paras. 2, 4 repealed 2019/12/29) | Y | prescribing criminal and administrative penalties for prostitution-related offenses | criminal provisions have been superseded by the 1997 Criminal Law; most administrative provisions have also been repealed or lost force |
關於嚴懲拐賣、綁架婦女、兒童的犯罪分子的決定 (PKU Law translation (v. 1991)) |
1991/9/4 (amended 2009/8/27) | Y | prescribing criminal penalties for the offenses of kidnapping and trafficking in women and children | criminal provisions have been superseded by the 1997 Criminal Law |
關於批准武漢、九江、蕪湖港對外國籍船舶開放的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1991/10/30 | opening the Wuhan, Jiujiang, and Wuhu ports to foreign vessels and authorizing the State Council to open other inland ports to foreign vessels | ||
關於授權深圳市人民代表大會及其常務委員會和深圳市人民政府分別制定法規和規章在深圳經濟特區實施的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1992/7/1 | authorizing the Shenzhen municipal legislature to enact special economic zone regulations and its municipal government to issue rules | ||
關於設立中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區的決定 | 1993/3/31 | establishing the Macao Special Administrative Region | ||
關於《中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區基本法》的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1993/3/31 | affirming the constitutionality of the Macao Basic Law | ||
關於《中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區基本法》葡萄牙文本的決定 | 1993/7/2 | approving an official Portuguese translation of the Macao Basic Law and providing that the Chinese version prevails over the Portuguese one in the event of any conflict | ||
全國人民代表大會常務委員會組成人員守則 (Bill page) |
1993/7/2 (revised 2023/4/26) | prescribing a code of conduct for constituent members of the NPCSC | ||
關於外商投資企業和外國企業適用增值稅、消費稅、營業稅等稅收暫行條例的決定 | 1993/12/29 | Y | applying interim tax regulations to foreign and foreign-invested enterprises | |
關於中國人民解放軍保衛部門對軍隊內部發生的刑事案件行使公安機關的偵查、拘留、預審和執行逮捕的職權的決定 (Chinalawinfo translation via UNHCR) |
1993/12/29 | authorizing the People’s Liberation Army’s security departments to exercise the police’s criminal justice functions with respect to crimes within the military | ||
關於授權廈門市人民代表大會及其常務委員會和廈門市人民政府分別制定法規和規章在廈門經濟特區實施的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1994/3/22 | authorizing the Xiamen municipal legislature to enact special economic zone regulations and its municipal government to issue rules | ||
關於懲治破壞金融秩序犯罪的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1995/6/30 | Y | prescribing criminal and administrative penalties for certain financial offenses, including counterfeiting currency, forging financial instruments, bank fraud, and insurance fraud | criminal provisions have been superseded by the 1997 Criminal Law |
關於懲治虛開、偽造和非法出售增值稅專用發票犯罪的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1995/10/30 | Y | prescribing criminal and administrative penalties for the offenses of falsely making out, forging, and illegal selling certain tax invoices | criminal provisions have been superseded by the 1997 Criminal Law |
關於授權汕頭市和珠海市人民代表大會及其常務委員會、人民政府分別制定法規和規章在各自的經濟特區實施的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1996/3/17 | authorizing the Shantou and Zhuhai municipal legislatures to enact special economic zone regulations and their municipal governments to issue rules | ||
關於根據《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法》第一百六十條處理香港原有法律的決定 (NPC translation; HKSAR Gov’t translation) |
1997/2/23 | declaring a list of Hong Kong’s pre-handover laws, in full or in part, in contravention of the Hong Kong Basic Law, thus not adopted as the laws of Hong Kong post-handover; and laying down rules for interpreting and applying certain provisions and terms in Hong Kong laws | ||
關於懲治騙購外匯、逃匯和非法買賣外匯犯罪的決定 (NPC translation) |
1998/12/29 | Y | punishing the crimes of fraudulently purchasing foreign exchange, evading foreign exchange control, and illegally trading in foreign exchange | |
關於新疆維吾爾自治區生產建設兵團設置人民法院和人民檢察院的決定 | 1998/12/29 | establishing courts and procuratorates within the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps | ||
關於取締邪教組織、防範和懲治邪教活動的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
1999/10/30 | outlawing 「cults」 [邪教組織] in general and Falun Gong in particular | ||
關於根據《中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區基本法》第一百四十五條處理澳門原有法律的決定 (NPC translation) |
1999/10/31 | declaring a list of Macao’s pre-handover laws, in full or in part, in contravention of the Macao Basic Law, thus not adopted as the laws of Macao post-handover; and laying down rules for interpreting and applying certain provisions and terms in Macao laws | ||
關於加強中央預算審查監督的決定 (NPC translation) |
1999/12/25 (revised 2021/4/29) | strengthening the national legislature’s role in reviewing and overseeing the implementation of the central budget | ||
關於加強經濟工作監督的決定 (NPC translation; Our coverage) |
2000/3/1 (revised 2021/12/24) | strengthening the national legislature’s oversight of the State Council’s economic work, especially the formulation and implementation of the plans for national economic and social development | ||
關於維護互聯網安全的決定 | 2000/12/28 (amended 2009/8/27) | interpreting the application of existing criminal law and public security law provisions to online conduct | not officially categorized as a statute, though 2009 amendment was promulgated by the President | |
關於設立全民國防教育日的決定 (PKU Law translation) |
2001/8/31 | establishing the third Saturday of September as the Nationwide National Defense Education Day | ||
關於司法鑑定管理問題的決定 (PKU Law translation (v. 2005)) |
2005/2/28 (amended 2015/4/24) | regulating judicial authenticating institutions and judicial authenticators | not officially categorized as a statute, though 2015 amendment was promulgated by the President | |
關於授權香港特別行政區對深圳灣口岸港方口岸區實施管轄的決定 (NPC translation via HKSAR Gov’t) |
2006/10/31 | authorizing Hong Kong to exercise jurisdiction over the Hong Kong Port Area of the Shenzhen Bay Port, which is located in the mainland | ||
關於授權澳門特別行政區對設在橫琴島的澳門大學新校區實施管轄的決定 (NPC translation) |
2009/6/27 | authorizing Macao to exercise jurisdiction over the University of Macao’s new campus, which is located in the mainland | to expire on December 20, 2049, subject to renewal by the NPCSC | |
關於廢止有關勞動教養法律規定的決定 ($ China Law Translate translation) |
2013/12/28 | abolishing the reeducation-through-labor system | ||
關於確定中國人民抗日戰爭勝利紀念日的決定 | 2014/2/27 | designating September 3 as the Victory Day of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression | ||
關於設立南京大屠殺死難者國家公祭日的決定 | 2014/2/27 | designating December 13 as the National Memorial Day for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre | ||
關於設立烈士紀念日的決定 | 2014/8/31 | designating September 30 as the Martyrs』 Day | ||
關於在北京、上海、廣州設立知識產權法院的決定 | 2014/8/31 | establishing specialized intellectual property courts in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou | ||
關於設立國家憲法日的決定 (NPC translation) |
2014/11/1 | designating December 4 as the National Constitution Day | ||
關於實行憲法宣誓制度的決定 (NPC translation; NPC Observer translation) |
2015/7/1 (revised 2018/2/24) | establishing a constitutional-oath system | ||
關於批准《內地與香港特別行政區關於在廣深港高鐵西九龍站設立口岸實施」一地兩檢」的合作安排》的決定 (HKSAR Gov’t translation; Our coverage) |
2017/12/27 | approving and confirming the constitutionality of an agreement between Hong Kong and mainland authorities that allows the latter to exercise jurisdiction over part of a high-speed railway station in Hong Kong | ||
關於設立上海金融法院的決定 (NPC Observer translation) |
2018/4/27 | establishing a Shanghai Financial Court | ||
關於專利等知識產權案件訴訟程序若干問題的決定 ($ China Law Translate translation; Our coverage) |
2018/10/26 | authorizing direct appeals to the Supreme People’s Court in certain technical intellectual property cases | ||
關於國家監察委員會制定監察法規的決定 (NPC translation; Our coverage) |
2019/10/26 | authorizing the State Supervision Commission to adopt 「supervisory regulations」 [監察法規] | ||
關於授權澳門特別行政區對橫琴口岸澳方口岸區及相關延伸區實施管轄的決定 (NPC translation; Our coverage) |
2019/10/26 | authorizing Macao to exercise jurisdiction over the Macao Port Area of the renovated Hengqin Port and other surrounding areas | to expire on December 20, 2049, subject to renewal by the NPCSC | |
關於廢止有關收容教育法律規定和制度的決定 (NPC translation; Our coverage) |
2019/12/28 | Y | abolishing 「custody and education」 [收容教育], an extrajudicial detention system for sex workers and their clients | |
關於建立健全香港特別行政區維護國家安全的法律制度和執行機制的決定 (Bill page) |
2020/5/28 | ordering Hong Kong to enact legislation and create institutions to safeguard national security and authorizing the NPCSC to enact national security legislation for Hong Kong | ||
關於香港特別行政區立法會議員資格問題的決定 (HKSAR Gov’t translation; Our coverage) |
2020/11/11 | clarifying Hong Kong legislators』 obligations to uphold the Basic Law and swear allegiance to Hong Kong and disqualifying four pro-democracy legislators | ||
關於加強國有資產管理情況監督的決定 (NPC translation; Our coverage) |
2020/12/26 | institutionalizing the NPCSC’s oversight of the State Council’s management of state assets | ||
關於設立海南自由貿易港知識產權法院的決定 (NPC Observer translation; Our coverage) |
2020/12/26 | establishing a Hainan Free Trade Port Intellectual Property Court | ||
關於設立北京金融法院的決定 (NPC translation; NPC Observer translation; Our coverage) |
2021/1/22 | establishing a Beijing Financial Court | ||
關於完善香港特別行政區選舉制度的決定 (Bill page) |
2021/3/11 | authorizing the NPCSC to amend Annexes I and II to the Hong Kong Basic Law to overhaul Hong Kong’s electoral system | ||
關於授權上海市人民代表大會及其常務委員會制定浦東新區法規的決定 (NPC translation; NPC Observer translation; Our coverage) |
2021/6/10 | authorizing the Shanghai legislature to enact Pudong New Area regulations (comparable to special economic zone regulations) | ||
關於設立成渝金融法院的決定 (NPC translation; NPC Observer translation) |
2022/2/28 | establishing a Chengdu-Chongqing Financial Court | ||
關於中國人民解放軍現役士兵銜級制度的決定 (Bill page) |
2022/2/28 | Y | prescribing military ranks for the active-duty soldiers of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army | |
關於軍隊戰時調整適用《中華人民共和國刑事訴訟法》部分規定的決定 (NPC translation; Our translation & coverage) |
2023/2/24 | authorizing the Central Military Commission to adopt criminal procedural rules that deviate from the Criminal Procedure Law to govern courts-martial during wartime, as long as the rules are consistent with the 「basic principles, basic schemes, and basic procedures」 under the Criminal Law and the Criminal Procedure Law | ||
關於設立全國人民代表大會常務委員會代表工作委員會的決定 | 2023/6/28 | establishing the NPCSC Deputies Affairs Commission | ||
關於設立全國生態日的決定 | 2023/6/28 | designating August 15 as the National Ecology Day | ||
關於授權澳門特別行政區對廣東省珠海市拱北口岸東南側相關陸地和海域實施管轄的決定 | 2023/12/29 | authorizing Macao to exercise jurisdiction over certain land and sea area southwest of the Gongbei port in Zhuhai, Guangdong | to expire on December 20, 2049, subject to renewal by the NPCSC | |
關於完善和加強備案審查制度的決定 (Bill page) |
2023/12/29 | providing a unified quasi-statutory authority for the NPCSC’s system of recording and review | ||
關於實施漸進式延遲法定退休年齡的決定 (Bill page) |
2024/9/13 | approving a plan to gradually raise China’s statutory retirement ages and extend the minimum contribution period for monthly pension benefits |
[編輯]Decision | Date Adopted | Summary | Note |
關於軍官制度改革期間暫時調整適用相關法律規定的決定 (NPC Observer translation) |
2016/12/25 | suspending certain provisions of the Officers in Active Service Law and the Regulations on the Military Ranks of PLA Officers while the Central Military Commission conducts pilot reform of the military officer system | to de facto expire once the two statutes are amended to codify the reform |
關於國務院機構改革涉及法律規定的行政機關職責調整問題的決定 | 2018/4/27 | ensuring continuity in the functioning of agencies affected by the 2018 State Council reorganization when the relevant statutes are yet to be amended | to de facto expire once the relevant statutes are all amended to reflect the change in the makeup of agencies and their functions |
關於授權國務院在營商環境創新試點城市暫時調整適用《中華人民共和國計量法》有關規定的決定 (NPC translation) |
2021/10/23 (renewed 2024/11/8) | authorizing the State Council to modify two provisions of the Metrology Law in six cities | to expire on October 23, 2027 |
關於深化國防動員體制改革期間暫時調整適用相關法律規定的決定 (NPC translation; NPC Observer translation) |
2021/10/23 | suspending certain provisions of the National Defense Mobilization Law, Civil Air Defense Law, National Defense Transportation Law, and National Defense Education Law while the Central Military Commission conducts pilot reform of the national defense mobilization system | to de facto expire once the four statutes are amended to codify the reform |
關於授權國務院在部分地區開展房地產稅改革試點工作的決定 (Bill page) |
2021/10/23 | authorizing the State Council to pilot a real estate tax (or property tax) in certain regions | to expire five years after the State Council issues pilot rules |
關於授權國務院在粵港澳大灣區內地九市開展香港法律執業者和澳門執業律師取得內地執業資質和從事律師職業試點工作的決定 (NPC Observer translation; Our coverage) |
2020/8/11 (renewed 2023/9/1) | authorizing the State Council to conduct a pilot program that would allow lawyers licensed in Hong Kong or Macao to practice mainland law after passing a special bar exam | to expire on October 5, 2026 |
關於授權國務院提前下達部分新增地方政府債務限額的決定 | 2023/10/24 | authorizing the State Council to allow local governments to issue bonds within 60% of their annual new bond quotas before the NPC approves that year’s debt ceilings | to expire on January 1, 2028 |
關於授權國務院在海南自由貿易港暫時調整適用《中華人民共和國食品安全法》有關規定的決定 | 2024/6/28 | authorizing the State Council to modify two provisions of the Food Safety Law relating to administrative approvals in the Hainan Free Trade Port | to expire on October 1, 2029 |
[編輯]Decision | Date Adopted | Summary | Note |
關於加強網絡信息保護的決定 (China Copyright and Media translation via Stanford DigiChina) |
2012/12/28 | strengthening protections for citizens』 personal electronic information | superseded by the Cybersecurity Law, effective June 1, 2017, and the Personal Information Protection Law, effective Nov. 1, 2021 |
關於香港特別行政區行政長官普選問題和2016年立法會產生辦法的決定 (HKSAR Gov’t translation) |
2014/8/31 | laying down requirements for electing the Hong Kong Chief Executive by universal suffrage | superseded by the revised Annex I to the Hong Kong Basic Law, effective Mar. 31, 2021 |
關於全國人民代表大會憲法和法律委員會職責問題的決定 (NPC translation; NPC Observer translation) |
2018/6/22 | making clear that the NPC Constitution and Law Committee succeeds to its predecessor body’s functions under five statutes and assigning the Committee responsibilities over, inter alia, constitutional review and interpretation | de facto expired on Nov. 8, 2024, when all five statutes had been amended to refer to the Committee and incorporate its new duties |
關於授權國務院提前下達部分新增地方政府債務限額的決定 | 2018/12/29 | authorizing the State Council to allow local governments to issue bonds within a certain percentage of their annual new debt limits before the NPC approves that year’s state budget | expired on Jan. 1, 2023 |
關於授權國務院在自由貿易試驗區暫時調整適用有關法律規定的決定 (NPC translation) |
2019/10/26 | authorizing the State Council to suspend certain provisions in seven statutes relating to administrative approvals in China’s free trade zones | expired on Dec. 1, 2022; codified in April 2021 and December 2022 |
關於授權最高人民法院在部分地區開展民事訴訟程序繁簡分流改革試點工作的決定 (NPC translation; Our coverage) |
2019/12/28 | authorizing the Supreme People’s Court to pilot civil procedure reform in select courts | expired on Jan. 1, 2022, when an amendment to the Civil Procedure Law [民事訴訟法] codifying the reform took effect |
關於全面禁止非法野生動物交易、革除濫食野生動物陋習、切實保障人民群眾生命健康安全的決定 (NPC translation; Our coverage) |
2020/2/24 | imposing a near-total ban on consuming wild terrestrial animals and authorizing enhanced penalties for wildlife crimes | de facto expired when the relevant statutes, including the Wild Animals Protection Law, were amended to incorporate its provisions |
關於授權國務院在中國(海南)自由貿易試驗區暫時調整適用有關法律規定的決定 (NPC translation) |
2020/4/29 | authorizing the State Council to modify certain provisions in three statutes relating to administrative approvals in the Hainan Free Trade Zone | expired on Jan. 1, 2025 |
關於香港特別行政區第六屆立法會繼續履行職責的決定 (HKSAR Gov’t translation; Our coverage) |
2020/8/11 | extending the term of the 6th Hong Kong Legislative Council for at least a year, until the 7th Legislative Council is elected | expired on Jan. 1, 2022, when the term of the 7th Legislative Council began |
關於授權最高人民法院組織開展四級法院審級職能定位改革試點工作的決定 (NPC translation; NPC Observer translation) |
2021/8/20 | authorizing the Supreme People’s Court to conduct pilot reforms to reposition the adjudicatory roles of China’s four tiers of courts | expired on Sept. 28, 2023 |
關於授權國務院在自由貿易試驗區暫時調整適用有關法律規定的決定 (NPC translation) |
2021/4/29 | authorizing the State Council to suspend or modify certain provisions in seven statutes relating to administrative approvals in China’s free trade zones | expired on July 1, 2024 |
關於第十四屆全國人民代表大會代表名額和選舉問題的決定 (NPC translation; Our coverage) |
2022/3/11 | allocating seats in the 14th NPC among the electoral units and various demographic groups and setting the deadline for electing delegates to the 14th NPC | de facto expired when delegates to the 14th NPC were elected in January 2023 |